food crisis

My photo used for Save the Children hunger campaign posters

My photo used for Save the Children hunger campaign posters

March 5, 2012 in General

A photo I took of a little three year old boy, Saguirou, who was recovering from severe malnutrition in Niger is used on posters for Save the Children’s hunger campaign.

Not again – Niger faces food crisis

Not again – Niger faces food crisis

December 7, 2011 in General

When I read the headline ‘Sahel facing major food crisis’ in the Guardian this morning I thought for a minute I was reading an old article from 2010.

Somalia: Women seek refuge in IDP camps – in pictures in The Guardian

Somalia: Women seek refuge in IDP camps – in pictures in The Guardian

August 11, 2011 in General

The Guardian runs a series of photos that I shot in Bosaso, Puntland, in north-east Somalia depicting the impact on mothers and their children of the worst drought to hit the country in 60 years